Friday, January 29, 2016

5th Grade News

Language Arts/Social Studies:

  • This week in social studies the students wrote and recorded a diary entry from the point of view of a slave during colonial times. Check out their recording on their Google Site. They used the website Vocaroo which is a quick and easy way to make voice recordings. In language arts, the students generated evaluated questions for their Junior Great Book story, "A Game of Catch". They were able to share their inferences and ideas in a group discussion. During this time, we focused on using text evidence to back up their responses. We have some great debaters!  


  • This week in math, we have been wrapping up our unit on Expressions and Equations. The learners practiced skills such as solving algebraic expressions and using Order of Operations to simplify expressions with a Must Do/May Do board. In Science, we continued our learning experiences on erosion, weathering, and deposition and started some new activities with Google Earth. Mrs. Montgomery, our librarian, talked to the classes about how to utilize Google Earth as a tool for viewing and exploring different landforms in the world. The learners had a blast getting to explore places such as the Grand Canyon, the Mississippi River Delta, and the Great Sand Dunes National Park.

In Other News:

  • The third Sky Ranch Payment and student paperwork was due Friday, January 29th. Please send as soon as possible if you haven't yet. The final payment is due Thursday, March 24th.
  • This week, we had the first of four very special visits from employees working at a company called DTCC (Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation). They will be working with our students on financial literacy.

Friday, January 8, 2016

5th Grade News

Language Arts/Social Studies:

  • This week in language arts, we reviewed cause and effect, and learners evaluated each in their own reading. In social studies, the learners chose an independent project to complete that would give them a chance to show off their colonial knowledge. We look forward to sharing them next week.


  • This week in math, we continued our unit on fractions. The learners practiced adding and subtracting mixed numbers through multi-step word problems and determined what operation to use by finding keywords that relate to fractions. We also looked at different types of graphs and analyzed how the data sets related to fractions. In science this week, the learners met with their region groups to begin the design of their city's website.  They took all of their prior research for their region and used it to design a city that would withstand in the region of their choice. After wrapping up their websites they will provide feedback on other group members' sites.

In Other News:

  • Sky Ranch Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, January 20th at 5:30 p.m. in the TCE Cafeteria
  • 3rd Sky Ranch Payment due Friday, January 29th