Friday, January 31, 2020

Week of February 3rd

Welcome! Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to read this communication. We appreciate you!

February 6th: *optional* Sky Ranch Chaperone Interest forms due
February 7th: 3rd Sky Ranch Payment of $50 is due
February 13: 5th Grade Valentine's Day Party from 2-3pm
February 14th: No School for learners (Teacher Work Day)
February 17th: No School for learners (Weather Day) 
February 20th: TCE Cultural Night
April 3rd: All Sky Ranch Paperwork due

Friendship Friday
As a special 5th grade treat, every Friday for the rest of the year will be "Friendship Friday." Learners will get to sit anywhere they like in the cafeteria (mixed up classes). This is an opportunity for learners to begin preparing for middle school cafeteria etiquette, as well as a special reward for their great behavior!

Yearbook Pictures

Yearbook Sales
The Yearbook deadline has been extended! See info below to purchase. 

Accessing Your Son/Daughter's Schoology
As we shared at Curriculum Night, Schoology is a great resource to use to learn more about what we are doing in class. If you login to your son/daughter's account (or ask them to login and show you), you'll be able to see resources added by teachers, assignments, pretests and quizzes, and discussions. Each of us uses Schoology differently, but it would be beneficial for each class of parents to visit from time to time. If you'd like to access your own account (rather than logging in as your child), you can use this site to learn more about how to do it.

Photos for 5th Grade Graduation Slideshow

The 5th grade room parents have created Google photo folders where you can start uploading photos of your learners with their TCE friends to be used for the 5th Grade Slideshow at the end of the year. The ideal photos to upload are of groups of 3 or more and have Town Center 5th graders in them. Please use the links below to upload photos to your homeroom teacher's album.

5A Schaaf:

5B Foroodi:

5C Natherson:

5D Taylor:

Please see the following message from the PTO Hospitality Team:

Once a month our Town Center teachers have a long in-service meeting and to make it a little more pleasurable we give them a snack!  This month on Wednesday, February 5th we are providing a “ Super Bowl Chili bar".  If you are willing and able to sign up for any of the food items we would greatly appreciate any of your help!  Make sure to drop your items at the school office at 2:00pm.  This will give us time to set up and get everything ready for them so they are not late to their meeting.  If you work and are unable to get your food to the school at that time let Tammie know and you can make arrangements to drop at her house the night before.  If you have any questions please feel free to call or text Tammie (212-794-1799)
Please note we are serving 60 teachers so please make sure you are purchasing enough for all 
Thank you so much for helping! 
Tammie Stewart and Carla Walther

Please click here for a digital version of the Sky Ranch information packet. The forms that will need to be filled out are towards the back of the packet. Please ask your homeroom teacher if you have any questions!

For access to a digital Google Folder that includes all of the required forms to be filled out and returned, please click here

Please remember that the required Sky Ranch forms are not due until April 3rd, 2020. However the sooner you get them in the better!

Also, please note that there is an earlier due date for the *optional* Chaperone Interest Form: February 6th, 2020

As you know, we have a payment plan for our Sky Ranch trip. You can view the information letter here. The second payment of $50 was due Friday, November 1st. The third payment of $50 will be due Friday, February 7th. You may pay by cash, check, or online via this link. Please contact your homeroom teacher or Mrs. Ford, the Assistant Principal, if you would like to discuss payment plans. 

In math this week, we wrapped up our Expressions and Equations unit. We are looking forward to beginning Coordinate Planes next week!

In science this week, we wrapped up our Earth's Changing Surface unit. We calculated our ecological footprint as a fun, interactive way to learn about how to save natural resources!

In writing, the students have been researching about chocolate milk. Based on this research, each student has made a claim as to whether or not schools should sell chocolate milk. This week, the students will continue to revise their argument drafts to improve their claims. In reading, each student is researching a debatable issue. Students will continue to learn how to research both sides of an issue, synthesize information from multiple sources, and determine which facts are most important to the argument. You could help us out by talking to your son/daughter about claims, reasons, and evidence! In Spelling, we have just started a brief study of Greek roots. Ask your son or daughter to tell you about the Greek root phon.

Social Studies
We have just wrapped up our Government Unit, and the fifth graders will take a Unit Quiz on Monday. If you and your family want to test your government knowledge, you could quiz each other over the Government Review. (Each student has a copy of this in his/her binder.) There is also a lot of information in Schoology in the Social Studies course. Once we've officially wrapped up the Government Unit, we will begin to learn about Westward Expansion & Manifest Destiny. 

As a reminder, all of the activities listed below are optional resources for you and your family.

Click here to access the optional math homework for this week.

Reading & Language Arts

Please click here for a Time for Kids article: 
We would love for your son/daughter to spend time reading at home! They can read any text that catches their interest. We are currently in our Argument & Advocacy Unit, so persuasive texts, debates, or nonfiction articles would be advised. You can check out some interesting debate topics here.

Here are a couple of websites that offer current event articles targeted towards preteens and teens. With your guidance, they could choose articles of interest to read.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Week of January 27

Welcome! Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to read this communication. We appreciate you!

January 31st: 5th Grade Growth and Development Talk (A handout with more information came home this week.)
February 2nd: 3rd Sky Ranch Payment of $50 is due
February 6th: *optional* Sky Ranch Chaperone Interest forms due
February 13: 5th Grade Valentine's Day Party from 2-3pm
February 14th: No School (Teacher Work Day)
February 17th: No School (Weather Day) 
April 3rd: All Sky Ranch Paperwork due

Friendship Friday
As a special 5th grade treat, every Friday for the rest of the year will be "Friendship Friday." Learners will get to sit anywhere they like in the cafeteria (mixed up classes). This is an opportunity for learners to begin preparing for middle school cafeteria etiquette, as well as a special reward for their great behavior!

Author Visit: Elly Swartz

5th graders will get the opportunity to hear from author Elly Swartz on Thursday, January 30th at 1:30pm. If your learner is interested in bringing one of her books to get signed while she is here, they may purchase a book from her Amazon site linked here

Yearbook Pictures

Yearbook Sales
The Yearbook deadline has been extended! See info below to purchase. 

Accessing Your Son/Daughter's Schoology
As we shared at Curriculum Night, Schoology is a great resource to use to learn more about what we are doing in class. If you login to your son/daughter's account (or ask them to login and show you), you'll be able to see resources added by teachers, assignments, pretests and quizzes, and discussions. Each of us uses Schoology differently, but it would be beneficial for each class of parents to visit from time to time. If you'd like to access your own account (rather than logging in as your child), you can use this site to learn more about how to do it.

Photos for 5th Grade Graduation Slideshow

The 5th grade room parents have created Google photo folders where you can start uploading photos of your learners with their TCE friends to be used for the 5th Grade Slideshow at the end of the year. The ideal photos to upload are of groups of 3 or more and have Town Center 5th graders in them. Please use the links below to upload photos to your homeroom teacher's album.

5A Schaaf:

5B Foroodi:

5C Natherson:

5D Taylor:

Thank you to those of you who were able to make it to the Sky Ranch Parent Meeting last night. If you weren't able to make it, your learner should be coming home today with the packets that we handed out. Please note that the packet has information pertaining to Sky Ranch as well as many forms that need to be filled out. For a digital version of the information packet, please click here

For access to a digital Google Folder that includes all of the required forms to be filled out and returned, please click here

Please remember that the required Sky Ranch forms are not due until April 3rd, 2020. However the sooner you get them in the better!

Also, please note that there is an earlier due date for the *optional* Chaperone Interest Form: February 6th, 2020

As you know, we have a payment plan for our Sky Ranch trip. You can view the information letter here. The second payment of $50 was due Friday, November 1st. The third payment of $50 will be due February 2nd. You may pay by cash, check, or online via this link. Please contact your homeroom teacher or Mrs. Ford, the Assistant Principal, if you would like to discuss payment plans. 

In math this week, we will continue to work on our Expressions and Equations unit. We are exploring types of graphs such as stem and leaf graphs and dot plots.

In science this week, we have started our unit on renewable and nonrenewable resources. We even had a chance to present our project about the types of alternative energy to Ms. Martin and Mrs. Ford!

In writing, we will continue to learn how to write argument essays. The students have been researching about chocolate milk. Based on this research, each student will make a claim as to whether or not schools should sell chocolate milk. In reading, each student is researching a debatable issue. Students will learn how to research both sides of an issue, synthesize information from multiple sources, and determine which facts are most important to the argument. You could help us out by talking to your son/daughter about claims, reasons, and evidence!

Social Studies
We have been learning about the Branches of Government. The students are learning the major roles and responsibilities of each branch and the ways in which the constitution balances their powers. Want to review your government knowledge and learn with us? Ask your son/daughter to watch the Branches of Government Flocabulary with you or play the vocab review games on Quizlet (which is linked in our Schoology courses). 

As a reminder, all of the activities listed below are optional resources for you and your family.

Click here to access the optional math homework for this week.

Reading & Language Arts
We would love for your son/daughter to spend time reading at home! They can read any text that catches their interest. We are currently in our Argument & Advocacy Unit, so persuasive texts, debates, or nonfiction articles would be advised. You can check out some interesting debate topics here.

Here are a couple of websites that offer current event articles targeted towards preteens and teens. With your guidance, they could choose articles of interest to read.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Week of January 20

Welcome! Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to read this communication. We appreciate you!

Yearbook Pictures

Yearbook Sales
The Yearbook deadline has been extended! See info below to purchase. 

Accessing Your Son/Daughter's Schoology
As we shared at Curriculum Night, Schoology is a great resource to use to learn more about what we are doing in class. If you login to your son/daughter's account (or ask them to login and show you), you'll be able to see resources added by teachers, assignments, pretests and quizzes, and discussions. Each of us uses Schoology differently, but it would be beneficial for each class of parents to visit from time to time. If you'd like to access your own account (rather than logging in as your child), you can use this site to learn more about how to do it.

The 5th grade room parents have created Google photo folders where you can start uploading photos of your learners with their TCE friends to be used for the 5th Grade Slideshow at the end of the year. The ideal photos to upload are of groups of 3 or more and have Town Center 5th graders in them. Please use the links below to upload photos to your homeroom teacher's album.

5A Schaff:

5B Foroodi:

5C Natherson:

5D Taylor:

*Thank you so much to the wonderfully attentive parents that pointed out that the image above had the dates messed up.  We have updated and it now shows the correct dates.

Our parent meeting will be Thursday, January 23rd. 
This meeting will be really informative as we'll go through packing lists, tentative schedules, classes, meals, and specifics about the camp grounds. We really hope you'll be able to attend.  (We anticipate the meeting lasting no longer than 45 minutes.) 

As you know, we have a payment plan for our Sky Ranch trip. You can view the information letter here. The second payment of $50 was due Friday, November 1st. The third payment of $50 will be due February 2nd. You may pay by cash, check, or online via this link. Please contact your homeroom teacher or Mrs. Ford, the Assistant Principal, if you would like to discuss payment plans. 

In math this week, we will continue to work on our Expressions and Equations unit. We are exploring prime and composite, simplifying expressions, and graphing.

In science this week, we have started our unit on renewable and nonrewable resources. Ask your learner about our project where we are researching a type of alternative energy and giving reasons why it would be the best fit for running the energy in our school!

We have begun our poetry unit where learners are annotating and analyzing different types of poetry. Learners have been answering questions about poetry in a Numbers Work Flow that we will continue to work on.

Social Studies
We have started our unit over the U.S. Constitution. We began learning about the Articles of Confederation and the Preamble, and we will move into learning how the Constitution was created.

As a reminder, all of the activities listed below are optional resources for you and your family.

Click here to access the optional math homework for this week.

Reading & Language Arts
We would love for your son/daughter to spend time reading at home! They can read any text that catches their interest. We are currently in our Poetry Unit, so any poetry books they are interested in would be great.

Here are a couple of websites that offer current event articles targeted towards preteens and teens. With your guidance, they could choose articles of interest to read.

January 20th: No School - MLK Holiday
January 23rd: Sky Ranch Parent Meeting at 5:30pm in the TCE Cafeteria
January 31st: 5th Grade Growth and Development talk (more info to come via a handout)

Our fifth graders had the opportunity to hear from many different speakers about health and wellness today. Please see the image below from Kasey Kemp and Monica Champagne, two of our Digital Learning Coaches from CISD, who spoke to the learners today about Digital Health.

Here are some pictures from the week: