Monday, December 5, 2016

Updates: December 5th

Thank you for taking the time to stop by our blog and read about what's going on in 5th Grade. Please be sure to check the Google Calendar that is linked at the top of the blog for important updates. 

  • We will be having Specials from 9:30-10:30 this Wednesday and Thursday so that the learners can rehearse for the program in the cafeteria. 
  • We will be having lunch at 12:00 PM on Wednesday, December 14th. Please be aware of this time change if you plan to come and have lunch with your son/daughter.
  • Our Winter Party will be on Thursday, December 15th at 2:00 PM. The entire 5th grade will have our party together. 
  • Please be aware that we will have Early Dismissal at 12:50 PM on Friday, December 16th. (See info on District Website)
  • Town Center Cookbook - We wanted to have the opportunity to create a TCE Family Traditions cookbook this year since our theme is all about family and celebrating the diversity within our community.  We would love to have you share one of your favorite family recipes to go into our cookbook this year.  If you are interested in participating, please send in your recipe to Casey Wagner,, or you may send in a paper copy of your recipe to the front office. 
  • Our Art for the Sky Program with Daniel Dancer was a huge success. Thank you to PTO for providing us with the opportunity, and for all of you for finding a white shirt for your kids and for donating jeans. 

5th Grade Program
  • 5th Grade Program - The learners will be performing in the North Pole Musical this year. The program will be Tuesday, December 13th. We will have a morning performance at 8:30 PM and an evening performance at 6:00 PM. Both performances will be in the TCE Cafeteria, and you are all invited to attend. 
  • Mrs. Garrett has asked that the learners arrive at 5:30 PM in preparation for the evening performance. 
  • Learners that do not have specific speaking roles should wear a white shirt and jeans. Learners that have specific speaking roles will wear costumes provided by Mrs. Garrett. 
  • If you have any questions regarding the program, please contact Mrs. Garrett or your child's classroom teacher. 

Service Learning Opportunities

Giving Tree
  • When: November 30th-December 15th
  • Where: Place new, unwrapped toys under the Christmas Tree by the front office
  • What: Town Center first graders are collecting new, unwrapped toys for children in need. We will be donating the toys to the Lions Club. When you place your toy under the Christmas Tree, please sign your name on an ornament and hang it on the tree!

Sky Ranch Updates

  • Please see our Sky Ranch flyer for updates and details about our trip. Within this flyer, we have included a link to our payment letter and a place for you to ask questions about the trip (should you feel the need). 
  • We will have an informational meeting for all 4th grade parents on Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 5:30 PM.

Spelling Bee
  • We had so many learners participate in our school bee, and we are so impressed by their dedication, commitment, and bravery! 
  • Congratulations to our 5th Grade Spelling Bee Champion, Mihir from 5C, and our Runner Up, Parthi from 5D. Way to go 5th graders!

Curriculum Tidbits
*We hope that you will periodically check our Twitter accounts as we tweet glimpses of what we're learning in class. You can find our tweets by searching the hashtag #tce5th or by going to our individual pages.

The learners will continue to work on the different operations with fractions. This includes multiplying a whole number by a fraction, dividing a whole number by a unit fraction (fraction with 1 as the numerator), and dividing a unit fraction by a whole number.

The learners will be taking a test over our force, motion, and energy unit this week. Then we will begin on our next unit, earth’s changing surfaces.

Reading, Writing, & Spelling
In reading, we have been reading and responding to the Junior Great Book story, All Summer in a Day! It is an interesting story that our kids enjoy.

In writing, the learners are continuing their study of the proper way to write and punctuate dialogue. They are having fun reading and creating comics and transcribing them using the rules of dialogue!

As a note, the learners do have a weekly spelling list that they are expected to study throughout the week. We include "Study for Spelling Quiz" in the homework section of our daily agendas, so if every your learner says they don't have homework, they do. While we do cover spelling in class, it is important for them to take the time to study at home as well. 

Social Studies
We have just wrapped up our study of the European Explorers and their reasons for exploring the Americas. We will be starting our study of the Early English Settlements!

Homework Tidbits

  • Weekly Spelling List - Quiz on Friday
  • Reflex Math
  • Weekly Math Homework - Due Friday


Finally, thank you again for taking the time to read our blog. We know how important it is for our TCE families to know what is happening at school! If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. Our contact information is linked below for your convenience.

5A Morgan Peccarelli -
5B Kate Seifert -
5C Marly Natherson -

5D Jenna Taylor -