Friday, August 25, 2017

First Week of School!


It has been such an amazing first week back. We are so excited for 5th grade and cannot wait to see what the year has in store.  We spent the first few days of school finding our "why" behind the learning that is happening each and everyday. 

Below you will find information for our 5th grade team this year and a link to our Google sites. Be sure to check our blog weekly as we will continue to update you on what's going on in the classroom as well as important information. 

5A Meredith Schaaf  
Language Arts/Writing/Social Studies  

5B Renee Foroodi 

5C Kasey Kemp 

5D Casey Wagner 
Science/Writing/Social Studies
Mrs. Wagner's Google Site

5E Rachel Lim 
Language Arts/Writing
  Miss Lim's Google Site

This week in math we established our classroom norms and began our first Must Do/May Do board on vocabulary for our first unit.

In writing, we worked on discovering what makes us happy and finding the reasons why it does.

In science this week, we discussed science safety procedures, what a scientist looks like, and participated in a science tools scavenger hunt.

In reading this week we discussed what happiness means to us and our 'why' in life. Learners reflected and participated in activities to work towards another meaningful and purposeful year.

Mark Your Calendars!

Our 5th grade Curriculum night will be on Thursday, August 31st from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the cafeteria. We hope to see you there as we will be going over important information for this school year!