Language Arts/Social Studies:
- This week in social studies, learners used their online text and interactive journal to explore the differences between "loyalists" and "patriots". Our language arts study of persuasive writing continued this week as they used a mock scenario to develop and organize evidence. We've been using the online resource, and they are loving it. We can't wait to hear the persuasive arguments they develop next week!
- This week in math we began looking at data analysis and graphing. The learners determined how information is gathered, recorded, and organized. We also discussed how the type of data influences the choice in display, specifically looking at dot plots, scatter plots, and stem-and-leaf plots. In science we continued our study of fossil fuels and how they are made as well as alternative energy sources.
In Other News:
- The final Sky Ranch payment is due Thursday, March 24th. This is also the due date for chaperone money for those that will be joining us.
Language Arts/Social Studies:
- This week in social studies learners shared their knowledge of the conflicts between the colonists and Great Britain by writing a letter of protest to King George. They also responded to the letter using the perspective of King George. This led us into our Language Arts study of Author's Purpose and Persuasive Writing. Learners are learning the "art" of arguing.
- This week in math, the learners created patterns using manipulatives. After their pattern was created, they had to create an input-output table and graph their pattern. In order to do this the learners had to decide the process of their independent and dependent variables. Looking at the different patterns we compared the differences between additive and multiplicative patterns. We took our Earth's changing surface quiz in science and began our next unit on Alternative Energy and Fossil Fuels.
Note from the PTO:
Attention all 5th graders who will be joining the CMS North Cougar family for the 2016-17 school year: CMS North PTO is selling a "Class of 2023" t-shirt available for pre-order now to show your school & class pride! Link: Cost is $15 each. Sizes available: Youth Large - Adult XL. Deadline to order a shirt is March 28th. Shirts will be distributed at the 5th grade parent meeting for middle school registration held on April 14th @ 6pm in the North cafe. You may arrive a little early to pick up your child’s shirt before the meeting or pick it up following the meeting. Be sure to order one now! We will have a very limited amount of extra shirts available for sale at the meeting.
In Other News:
- Class picture day will be Monday, February 22nd.
- The final Sky Ranch payment is due Thursday, March 24th. This is also the due date for chaperone money for those that will be joining us.
Language Arts/Social Studies:
- This week in social studies, tensions continued to rise between Great Britain and the colonists as the students learned about the Boston Massacre, Tea Act, and Boston Tea Party. The students even had a chance to participate in a Boston Tea Party Readers' Theater. We continued on with the topic of the American Revolution in language arts this week as students read, analyzed, and paraphrased the poem, "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere". It had excellent examples of metaphors and imagery which are skills we have been working on in class.
- This week in math, we continued to look at graphing input-output tables on coordinate planes using Desmos. We talked about the relationship between the independent and dependent variables and how additive and multiplicative patterns look on a coordinate plane. We also practiced working with ordered pairs on the x-axis and y-axis. In science, we finished up our fossil projects and began to present those to the class. We also started on our Earth's changing surface review. We will take a quiz on weathering, erosion, deposition, landforms, and sedimentary rocks next week.
In Other News:
- Class picture day will be Monday, February 22nd. We will be sending home picture forms next week.
- The final Sky Ranch payment is due Thursday, March 24th. This is also the due date for chaperone money for those that will be joining us.
- There will be no school on Monday, February 15th for President's Day.
Language Arts/Social Studies:
- This week in social studies the students explored the tensions between the colonists and Great Britain prior to the Revolutionary War. We used the metaphor of a parent and child relationship. In language arts, we spent time looking at a Martin Luther King, Jr poem. The students paraphrased and analyzed vocabulary. The students learned the characteristics of Haikus and couplet poems and even created some originals of their own.
- We started a new unit in math this week: Coordinate Planes and Graphing. The learners had the opportunity to use manipulatives and model data from tables in order to find patterns. We also introduced a new math resource this week: Desmos, which is great for graphing equations and data! We are looking forward to utilizing this resource in the coming week. In Science we continued in our "Earth's Changing Surface" unit with a discussion of fossils. The learners are currently working on researching and creating presentations about questions that they came up with about fossils.
In Other News:
- The third Sky Ranch Payment and student paperwork was due Friday, January 29th. Please send as soon as possible if you haven't yet. The final payment is due Thursday, March 24th.
- There will be no school on Monday, February 15th for President's Day.