STAAR Testing
Sky Ranch Updates
- The 5th graders will be taking STAAR this week. They will take the Math STAAR test on Tuesday, March 28th and the Reading STAAR test on Wednesday, March 29th.
- We will begin testing first thing in the morning, so it is essential that all learners arrive on time.
- The learners will be provided with a snack from PTO, so they do not need to bring one. They may bring a water bottle.
- Because of the security of the testing atmosphere, we will not be able to have any visitors in the building on the days of the STAAR test.
- Your son/daughter may ask to bring a "fidget" to school for the test. Please know that we may decide that fidgets are a distraction and ask them to keep them in their backpacks. We have let the learners know that they may not bring any kind of "putty" or stress balls that are liquid filled.
- During the test, we will need to take up all cell phones. Learners will get their cell phones back at the end of the day. In addition, we as teachers will not have access to our phones or emails during testing. So, if you have a message you need to get to your son/daughter, please call the front office at 214-496-7800.
- Because of STAAR testing, we will not have any homework or tutoring this week.
Sky Ranch Updates
- Please see our Sky Ranch flyer for updates and details about our trip. Within this flyer, we have included a link to our payment letter and a place for you to ask questions about the trip (should you feel the need).
- We changed the date of the Parent Chaperone Meeting to Monday, April 10th.
- If your son/daughter has any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, gluten free, etc.), please email your son/daughter's teacher.
- If you have not yet completed your final payment and/or returned the required paperwork, please do so A.S.A.P. If you are unable to pay or complete the paperwork, please reach out to your son/daughter's teacher.
- We sent permission slips for the zip line home on Friday. These are due back on Friday, April 21st.
Coppell Middle School North Visits
Other Announcements
- Coppell Middle School North counselors will be coming to visit our 5th graders on the morning of April 5th to talk about the transition to middle school and course selection. Learners will receive their course selection forms on this day. These course selection forms will be due back to us. (We will let you know once we know when they are due back.)
- CMS North is having a parent meeting about course selection on April 6th. For more information about this, please reach out to CMS North.
- Once you begin the process of completing your learner's course selection form, please free to reach out to us with any questions you might have.
- Originally, we shared that we would be going to North for the Elective Showcase. However, North has had to cancel, so we will not be going.
- Finally, please see the following flyer about a guest speaker at Coppell Middle School North. You can learn more about the speaker, Michelle Icard, here and here.
Other Announcements
- Holiday Coupons
- In December, the learners received a coupon book as our Holiday Gift to them. Within this coupon book, they received a coupon for each month. We are a little behind on these, but will be redeeming these coupons on Friday, March 31st and Monday April 3rd.
- Friday, March 31st - February Coupon - Board Games Learners will have 30 minutes to play non-electronic games such as card games, board games, charades, etc. Your son/daughter may bring games from home if they would like, so long as they are not electronic in nature.
- Monday, April 3rd - March Coupon - Electronics Time Learners will have 30 minutes to play electronic games such as games on the computer or iPad. They will NOT be allowed to play on cell phones at this time, and their game play will still be limited to games that are deemed appropriate.
- Our Community Partners from DTCC will be here again on Friday, March 31st.
- We will not have school on Friday, April 14th.
Curriculum Tidbits
*We hope that you will periodically check our Twitter accounts as we tweet glimpses of what we're learning in class. You can find our tweets by searching the hashtag #tce5th or by going to our individual pages.
*We hope that you will periodically check our Twitter accounts as we tweet glimpses of what we're learning in class. You can find our tweets by searching the hashtag #tce5th or by going to our individual pages.
This week the learners will take the Math STAAR on Tuesday. The learners have worked so hard this year and are fully prepared to do their absolute best! On Monday we will be finishing up our review by playing Math STAAR Jeopardy.
In Reading, we will spend Monday reviewing reading vocabulary with a variety of games.
If your learner is feeling uneasy about any topic, please encourage them to ask questions! We know that they are ready!
In Reading, we will spend Monday reviewing reading vocabulary with a variety of games.
If your learner is feeling uneasy about any topic, please encourage them to ask questions! We know that they are ready!
**We will not have any homework or tutoring this week.**
Finally, thank you again for taking the time to read our blog. We know how important it is for our TCE families to know what is happening at school! If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. Our contact information is linked below for your convenience.
5A Morgan Peccarelli -
5B Kate Seifert -
5C Marly Natherson -
5D Jenna Taylor -