Friday, September 27, 2019

Sept. 23-27

We had another great week in 5th grade!
Please see updates below:

October 4th: First Sky Ranch Payment Due ($50)
October 11th: Parent Conferences

Please sign up for a Parent Conference if you haven't already. You can find the link that was e-mailed to you from your learner's teacher. (Please e-mail them again if you can't find it!)

Please review the information from our 5th Grade Curriculum Night Presentation

Popcorn Subscription starts Friday, September 20th. Please see the flier that came home about popcorn money! Your learner can bring 50 cents each day there is Texan Town, or $2.50 all at once on September 20th in order to get popcorn delivered to the classroom. 

Your learner came home with a letter that explains Sky Ranch Payment for the year. You can view the letter here. Our Sky Ranch trip will be April 22-April 24. The first payment will be due October 4th and it will be $50. If you would like to pay online, you may visit this link. Please contact your homeroom teacher or Mrs. Ford, the assistant principal, if you would like to discuss payment plans. 

In math next week, we will be learning new skills for multiplying and dividing decimals. This is a new skill in 5th grade so we will be sure to practice and talk about growth mindset! Learners will be keeping track of their own growth and data as the unit goes on. Click here for some optional decimal at-home practice.

In science next week we will be exploring conductors and insulators with some hands-on learning experiences and labs. We will also be wrapping up our Matter and Energy unit with some review games and then our unit assessment. 

In reading, we will spend our last week of the fiction unit focusing on the theme, or life lesson, in our Book Club books. We will continue to analyze how the characters problems and relationships lead to the bigger meaning  of our stories. We'd love for you to talk to your son/daughter about the characters in their books. What motivates the characters and what kinds of  lessons are the characters learning? 

We will apply similar author's craft ideas in our own writing as we continue to write about what our stories  are really about. If you haven't yet, talk to your son/daughter about his/her narrative story. Ask them to tell you all about the story they've been writing about and the bigger meaning or  feeling  behind the story! 

We have started our study of the causes of  the  American Revolution,  and the kids are already really interested! We will continue to explore the reasons why America and Great Britain went to war. Talk to your son/daughter about the Google Expedition we did in class! Ask them what was their favorite thing to see on the guided tour. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Week of Sept. 16-20

We had another great week in 5th grade!
Please see updates below:

September 24th: Sonic Night Fundraiser
October 4th: First Sky Ranch Payment Due ($50)
October 4th: TCE's 25th Birthday Picnic
October 11th: Parent Conferences

Please review the information from our 5th Grade Curriculum Night Presentation

Popcorn Subscription starts Friday, September 20th. Please see the flier that came home about popcorn money! Your learner can bring 50 cents each day there is Texan Town, or $2.50 all at once on September 20th in order to get popcorn delivered to the classroom. 

Parent Conferences will be held on Friday, October 11th. Please sign up for a time slot using the link from your homeroom teacher's e-mail so that we can share all of the great things your learner has been doing in school this year! 

Your learner came home with a letter that explains Sky Ranch Payment for the year. You can view the letter here. Our Sky Ranch trip will be April 22-April 24. The first payment will be due October 4th and it will be $50. If you would like to pay online, you may visit this link. Please contact your homeroom teacher or Mrs. Ford, the assistant principal, if you would like to discuss payment plans. 

In math, we will be showing what we know about decimal place value next week (post-unit assessment). We will begin our next unit, which is decimal operations. Learners will remember adding and subtracting decimals from the fourth grade standard, however we will also add multiplying and dividing with decimals this year. Please use this link to access optional math practice for at home.

In science, we will continue our unit on matter and energy by participating in learning experiences on two properties of matter, density and solubility

In reading, we will continue to study theme, story problems, resolution, and character traits through our Book Clubs. Learners have a reading calendar for their book club, and they are expected to keep up with the assigned reading. However, learners have lots of time to read in class during Reading Workshop! We hope that your son/daughter has been telling you all about his/her book! If not, you might ask them about it! In writing, we will continue to learn strategies for raising the level of our narrative writing and revising to improve.

In Social Studies, the learners will finalize their letters from Unit 1. This assignment will serve as a major grade and will wrap up all that the studetns have learned about the early American colonies. We will also start Unit 2: The American Revolution.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Week of Sept. 9-13

Thank you for those of you who made it to Special Friends Day! Please see updates below:

September 20th: Texan Town starts
September 24th: Sonic Night Fundraiser
October 4th: First Sky Ranch Payment Due
October 4th: TCE's 25th Birthday Picnic

Please review the information from our 5th Grade Curriculum Night Presentation

Popcorn Subscription starts Friday, September 20th. Please see the flier that came home about popcorn money! Your learner can bring 50 cents each day there is Texan Town, or $2.50 all at once on September 20th in order to get popcorn delivered to the classroom. 

Your learner came home with a letter that explains Sky Ranch Payment for the year. You can view the letter here. Our Sky Ranch trip will be April 22-April 24. The first payment will be due October 4th and it will be $50. If you would like to pay online, you may visit this link. Please contact your homeroom teacher or Mrs. Ford, the assistant principal, if you would like to discuss payment plans. 

In math, we will continue our place value of decimals unit. We will begin to compare and order decimals using a variety of methods.

In reading, we will be starting Fiction Book Clubs! The learners will have a chance to read a fiction book and participate in discussions with a group of classmates. In writing, we will continue to grow as writers as we focus on Personal Narratives. This week we will focus on including story elements and elaboration that make the story more interesting. We have also finished working on our Where I'm From Projects. We are really impressed with the kids' work, and we have loved learning about your families. If you would like to see the projects, you may visit this link.

In science, we will continue our unit on matter and energy by participating in learning experiences on density and volume of irregular shapes.

In Social Studies, we will use what we've learned about each colony to write a letter declaring which colony we'd prefer to live in if we had the chance back then.

Mrs. Schaaf and her husband welcomed their baby girl, Hayden Grace Schaaf, on September 10th at 10:58pm! We are so excited for the new family of three!

Fifth grade enjoyed getting to show their Special Friends around the school today!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Week of Sept. 3-6

It was a great 4-day week in 5th grade! Please see updates below:

September 9th-13th: Book Fair Week
September 13th: Special Friends Day 8:30-9:30
September 24th: Sonic Night Fundraiser

Curriculum Night: Please review the information from our 5th Grade Curriculum Night Presentation

Robotics: First LEGO League Robotics club is an after school club where learners will participate with a team for different activities. If your learner said they were interested, they were given an application full of more information. The application will be due Monday, September 9th to Ms. Rice or Mrs. Burks. 
Ms. Rice's email:
Mrs. Burk's email:

Book Fair: The Fall Book Fair will be September 9th-13th. They are looking for volunteers to help out! Please click on the link to sign up for a spot:!/showSignUp/904044eaca62d6-20191

Special Friend's Day
Your learner is welcome to invite a special friend (parent, sibling, aunt/uncle, grandparent, neighbor, etc.) to their classroom for Special Friend's Day. Fifth grade's time is from 8:30-9:30 on September 13th. There will be treats to eat and special activities for your learner and their special friend to participate in! 

In math, we will begin our unit on place value of decimals. We will be participating in hands on activities to make sense of the tenths, hundredths, and thousandths places using real life examples. Here is a link to the optional weekly math homework.

In reading, learners will be looking at different perspectives in fiction texts, as well as analyzing text structures. 

In writing, learners will be crafting personal narrative texts using the strategies we have learned so far.

In science, we will continue our unit on matter and energy by exploring properties of matter such as volume, mass, and density.

In social studies, we will be focusing on the Middle and Southern colonies. Learners will compare these colonies to the New England colonies.

Fifth grade enjoyed getting to help Kinder fill out their wish lists in the library today!