We had another great week in 5th Grade! Thanks for stopping by to read our blog.
STAAR Testing
May 11th, 12th, and 13th will be STAAR testing for FACE TO FACE learners. Virtual learners will have alternate assignments during these three days of testing. May 18th and 19th will be STAAR testing for VIRTUAL learners. Face to face learners will work on alternate assignments REMOTELY at home. May 20th will be STAAR testing for VIRTUAL learners, however FACE TO FACE learners will still come to school. If you have any questions about this, please ask your homeroom teacher.
Talent Show
Calling all 5th graders with talent! We will be having our 5th Grade Talent Show on Flipgrid this year! Any 5th grader can post a video to the Flipgrid. ALL videos are due on Flipgrid by Wednesday, May 19th. Each child may perform in one solo act OR one group act OR one of each. Each act can be no longer than 2 minutes and must be suitable for all audiences. You can access the Flipgrid by clicking here.
End of the Year Conferences
Please reach out to your child's teachers if you would like an end of the year conference! We can schedule a phone or Zoom conference and discuss your child's academics and study habits, as well as anything else you would like to discuss.
Library Books
All library books are due back to the library Friday, May 7th. Please make sure your child returns all of their books by this date!
Information About Middle School
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Principal Blog
Our Principal, Ms. Martin, has a Principal blog. We recommend reading this blog each time it's emailed as it is full of important information. Please click below for the most recent blog entry.
TCE Dance Party
We kicked off our Dance Party Boosterthon this week! We will celebrate during our specials on Friday, May 7th from 8:30-9:15. Make sure to register your child on funrun.com! Search for our school or use our school code: 972969.
The Child Nutrition Department is happy to announce that free meals for all in-person elementary students and free bundle meals for virtual learners have been extended through the rest of the 2020-2021 school year. Breakfast and lunch is FREE for ALL elementary students through the end of school when they pick up a meal in the cafeteria (for in-person learners) or via Wednesday Bundle Meals (virtual learners only). We are still asking that virtual learners sign up for bundle meals via the Bundle Meal Signup Form to help give us an idea of how to plan.
Calendar of Events
May 7th- TCE Dance Party during specials - 8:30-9:15
May 7th- ALL library books are due!
May 19th- Talent Show videos due on Flipgrid
May 24th- Field Day (more information to come)
May 25th- 5th Grade Graduation @ 5:00 PM
May 26th- Last Day! Class Party (Time TBD) & Early Release @ 12:30 PM
STAAR Calendar
May 11th - Math STAAR test for FACE TO FACE learners
May 12th- Reading STAAR test for FACE TO FACE learners
May 13th - Science STAAR test for FACE TO FACE learners
May 18th - Math STAAR test for VIRTUAL learners (face to face works remotely)
May 19th - Reading STAAR test for VIRTUAL learners (face to face works remotely)
May 20th - Science STAAR test for VIRTUAL learners (face to face COMES TO SCHOOL)
Virtual Learning Reminders
If your son/daughter is a virtual student, we would love if you would help reinforce the idea that students need to submit an assignment for each course (Reading, Language & Literacy, Social Studies, Math, and Science) each day. We have had a lot of missing submissions lately. Sometimes this can cause students to get behind quickly as our curriculum builds throughout the week. If your son/daughter is having a hard time keeping up with the schedule of the day, please let us know.
Our counselor, Ms. Matlock, has been teaching us about different relationships and friendships. We focused on unhealthy and healthy friendship qualities and belonging to a positive peer group.
Health Expo!
Digital Safety