Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday, August 27th

We had an excellent week in fifth grade! The fifth grade teachers will continue to update our blog each week and send it out to families as part of our communication this year. Please take time to read through the blog each week, as we will include important updates, reminders, upcoming events, pictures, and more!

Student Information Sheet & Family Photos
If you have not filled out the Student Information form or sent in a family photo, please do this as soon as possible. We greatly appreciate it! 

A Note From the Fifth Grade Teachers

TCE 5th graders should come to school each day with their iPad and charger. Please ensure your child charges his/her iPad each evening. Your child should also check periodically to ensure his/her iPad's software is up to date (settings --> general --> software update). 

We will have a short snack time each day while we continue to work. 5th graders do not each lunch until 1:00 PM each day, so it's important that they have a healthy and nutritious snack each day to fuel their bodies. We also ask that the snack they bring is completely free of peanuts/tree nuts. This will help provide a safe environment for all learners. Thank you for your help!

Parent Newsletter
Ms. Martin, our principal, sends out a weekly parent newsletter. Please make sure you read this every week. You can click the image above for easy access.  

Grade Level T-Shirts
If you'd like to purchase a grade level t-shirt for your child, you can use this link to purchase one for $10. 

P.E. Update
P.E. is in need of plastic bags for an activity on Monday, August 30th and Tuesday, August 31st. Please pack two plastic bags for your child's P.E. class!

September 1st: Picture Day
September 2nd: Curriculum Night @ 5:00 PM on Zoom 
September 6th: Labor Day Holiday - No School
September 7th-10th: Book Fair

Picture Day: If you'd like to order pictures, please visit this website and use the ID: EVTQN689C.
Curriculum Night: 5th grade will have Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 2nd at 5:00 PM on Zoom. The 5th grade teachers will be sending out the Zoom link, so be looking for that email. If you're unable to attend, we will record the event and post it on our blog that Friday, September 3rd. 

Learners experienced how quickly solids can turn into liquids by taking ice cubes outside! 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

First Week of 5th Grade!

 Welcome to 5th Grade! We are so excited and ready for a great year ahead of us! The fifth grade teachers will update our blog each week and send it out to families as part of our communication this year. Please take time to read through the blog each week, as we will include important updates, reminders, upcoming events, pictures, and more!

Student Information Sheet & Family Photos
We would love to have every family complete the Student Information form we sent out on Monday! We would also like for your child to bring a family photo with them to school (or you can email your child's homeroom teacher a picture). We greatly appreciate it! 

A Note From the Fifth Grade Teachers

TCE 5th graders should come to school each day with their iPad and charger. Please ensure your child charges his/her iPad each evening. Your child should also check periodically to ensure his/her iPad's software is up to date (settings --> general --> software update). 

We will have a short snack time each day while we continue to work. 5th graders do not each lunch until 1:00 PM each day, so it's important that they have a healthy and nutritious snack each day to fuel their bodies. We also ask that the snack they bring is completely free of peanuts/tree nuts. This will help provide a safe environment for all learners. Thank you for your help!

Parent Newsletter
Ms. Martin, our principal, sends out a weekly parent newsletter. Please make sure you read this every week. You can click the image above for easy access.  

September 1st: Picture Day
September 2nd: Curriculum Night on Zoom (more information to come)
September 6th: Labor Day Holiday - No School

Learners were sorted into houses on Friday! Everyone will be able to earn points for their houses for showing things like respect, flexibility, kindness, etc. Each month, we will have a house winner!