Thank you for taking the time to read our blog!
Our fifth grade Sky Ranch field trip has been tentatively booked for April 27-29, 2022.
Sky Ranch Camp is located in Van, Texas. Our fifth-grade learners, educators, and chaperones travel there in the spring for three days/two nights for an educational experience that supports our fifth-grade science TEKS. During the trip, the kids participate in outdoor education classes, team building activities, and night activities such as a campfire. It's a fan favorite every year!
Thank you so much to everyone that came to our informational parent meeting on January 19, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the TCE Cafeteria. If you were unable to attend, we'd like for you to watch the recording of the meeting. (The link is below.)
**The Health History form was left out of the packet accidentally. It was sent home with students on Thursday, January 20th. It will also need to be completed as part of the required paperwork that's due April 1st.
The first payment of $100 will be due February 4, 2022.
Required Forms & Paperwork
Payment Information
A Note From Ms. Matlock
Dear Parents and Guardians,
In February your child’s Professional School Counselor will meet with all students about the topic of personal safety. Coppell ISD uses Play It Safe. Play It Safe is a research-based, age-appropriate abuse prevention program.
The purpose of this personal safety presentation is to provide all children with information and practical skills to protect themselves by recognizing, reacting to, and reporting potentially dangerous situations. Topics that will be addressed vary at each grade level as they consider the child’s age and maturity level.
Our Professional School Counselors are the presenters and will visit with each classroom, K-5, for approximately 30-45 minutes. Stories, puppets, group discussions, and videos are used in the low-key, age-appropriate presentation.
You can obtain more information about the Play it Safe program at the following link: Also, feel free to contact your child’s Professional School Counselor if you have any questions.
If you DO NOT want your child to view the Play It Safe Program, please email your campus' Professional School Counselor by Friday, February 4th. Your child’s teacher will make sure that your child goes to an alternate learning environment during the Play It Safe presentation.
If you would like your child to participate in this valuable learning opportunity no further action is needed.
Anne Lehew, M.Ed., PSC
Coordinator of Counseling and Social Emotional Learning
TCE's counselor is Kelly Matlock. She can be reached at

Ms. Martin, our principal, sends out a weekly parent newsletter. Please make sure you read this every week.
If you need directions for how to access Home Access Center please click here.
February 4th: First Sky Ranch Payment Due
February 11th: Sky Ranch Chaperone Interest Forms
February 14th: Class Valentine's Parties
February 18th: No School
February 21st: Bad Weather Day
This week the students had the wonderful opportunity to have participate in a presentation from the Dallas Holocaust Museum. The presentation focused on Civil Rights and highlighted a story from Dallas in the 1960s. The students got to create newspaper headlines about what they learned. We'd love if you'd ask them about it!
We've had indoor recess because of the cold temperatures this week. The kids have still managed to have a lot of fun!