Thursday, September 29, 2022

Friday, September 30


Fall Conferences

You should have already received the sign up from your child's homeroom teacher. We've also linked them below. 

A few details about our Fall Conferences: 

  • We will be offering conferences all day on Friday, October 7th. 
  • Both of your child's teachers will be together for our conferences. 
  • We will be offering Zoom conferences from 7:00-11:00 am. 
  • We will be offering in person conferences from 12:00-4:00 pm. 
  • To sign up, you will click on the link provided. You will choose a 15 minute time slot. The morning time slots will be on Zoom, and the afternoon time slots will be in person. 
  • Once you have signed up, it will create a calendar appointment on my calendar. You will automatically get an email reminder. You will also have the option to sign up for a text reminder. 
  • If you are unable to meet on Friday, October 7th, please email your homeroom teacher directly and we will find a time to meet with you. 
  • During this conference, we will go over beginning of the year data and how your child is doing so far this year. If there is anything else specific you'd like to discuss and you haven't told us yet, feel free to let us know. 

5A & 5B Conference Sign Ups
(Mrs. Schaaf 5A & Mrs. Foroodi 5B) 

5C & 5D Conference Sign Ups 
(Miss Natherson 5C & Miss Perry 5D) 

Fall Color Run

Thank you for getting your t-shirt sizes back to us so quickly! 

Mark your calendars for the Town Center Color Run on October 14th, 5:30-7:00 p.m.! This is our big fundraiser for the year, so please plan to join us. The fundraiser will run from Oct. 3rd through Oct.14th, ending with the run.

We are also excited to offer some class prizes for class donations! 

TCE Book Character Pumpkin Extravaganza 

Free & Reduced Meals 
For the last two years, free and reduced meals were provided for all Texas public school children.  Beginning September 29th, families must complete an application to qualify for free or reduced priced meals. For more information, check out the Coppell ISD Child Nutrition website.  Complete your School Meal Application here.  Allow up to ten days to process your application. 

TCE 5th graders should come to school each day with their iPad and charger. Please ensure your child charges his/her iPad each evening. Your child should also check periodically to ensure his/her iPad's software is up to date (settings --> general --> software update). 

We will have a short snack time each day while we continue to work. 5th graders do not each lunch until 1:00 PM each day, so it's important that they have a healthy and nutritious snack each day to fuel their bodies. We also ask that the snack they bring is completely free of peanuts/tree nuts. This will help provide a safe environment for all learners. Thank you for your help!

You can access the Sky Ranch payment letter here. This letter has information about our overnight field trip to Sky Ranch, the payment plan, and the link to pay. 

Our 1st Sky Ranch Payment of $50 will be
due next Thursday, October 6th. 

You can access the online payment system here:

Parent Newsletter

Ms. Martin, our principal, sends out a weekly parent newsletter. Please make sure you read this every week. 

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, October 6th - Early Release 
Thursday, October 6th - End of the 1st Nine Weeks 
Thursday, October 6th - TCE Spirit Rally 8:00-8:30 in the Gym 
Thursday, October 6th - 1st Sky Ranch Payment ($50) Due 
Friday, October 7th - No School for Students & Parent Teacher Conferences 
Monday, October 11th - No School
Wednesday, October 12th - Picture Retakes
Friday, October 14th - Report Cards Posted to HAC 
Friday, October 14th - TCE Color Run (A paper flyer went home about this last week) 
Friday, October 14th - The 1st Family Friday at Lunch! (See Ms. Martin's Principal blog for more information) 

Report Cards
Report Cards will be posted to the Home Access Center on Friday, October 14th. If you're unsure how to access your child's grades on the Home Access Center, you can reach out to Laura Fairchild in the front office for help. 

In addition, your child can show you their grade book on Schoology. The students know how to access this on both the iPad app and through the web version.  

In Social Studies, students created comic strips to depict a scene from the Boston Tea Party. 

Students worked together to edit personal narratives during writing this week. 

Students in math had a cup stacking competition to practice comparing decimals. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Friday, September 23


Fall Conferences

We will be offering parent teacher conferences over the next few weeks. We will offer three formats: in person, via Zoom, and via phone. Please complete this survey to let us know your preference & general availability. Next week we will send out conference sign ups based on this survey. 

Fall Color Run

The students came home with a paper flyer about the Fall Color Run Fundraiser. For this fundraiser, students will receive a free t-shirt. We need you to complete the t-shirt size form and return it to school by next Tuesday, September 27th. 

Free & Reduced Meals 
For the last two years, free and reduced meals were provided for all Texas public school children.  Beginning September 29th, families must complete an application to qualify for free or reduced priced meals. For more information, check out the Coppell ISD Child Nutrition website.  Complete your School Meal Application here.  Allow up to ten days to process your application. 

TCE 5th graders should come to school each day with their iPad and charger. Please ensure your child charges his/her iPad each evening. Your child should also check periodically to ensure his/her iPad's software is up to date (settings --> general --> software update). 

We will have a short snack time each day while we continue to work. 5th graders do not each lunch until 1:00 PM each day, so it's important that they have a healthy and nutritious snack each day to fuel their bodies. We also ask that the snack they bring is completely free of peanuts/tree nuts. This will help provide a safe environment for all learners. Thank you for your help!

Parent Newsletter

Ms. Martin, our principal, sends out a weekly parent newsletter. Please make sure you read this every week. 

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, October 6th - Early Release 
Thursday, October 6th - End of the 1st Nine Weeks 
Thursday, October 6th - 1st Sky Ranch Payment ($50) Due 
Friday, October 7th - No School for Students & Parent Teacher Conferences 
Monday, October 11th - No School
Wednesday, October 12th - Picture Retakes
Friday, October 14th - Report Cards Posted to HAC 
Friday, October 14th - TCE Color Run (More info to come)

Progress Reports 
Any student that had an average of 74 or lower in any class received a progress report last Friday. This would have been emailed from the teacher. If you did not receive a progress report, then your child's average is above a 74. As a reminder, you can access your child's grades in Home Access Center.  

You can access the Sky Ranch payment letter here. This letter has information about our overnight field trip to Sky Ranch, the payment plan, and the link to pay. 

Our 1st Sky Ranch Payment of $50 will be
due Thursday, October 6th. 

You can access the online payment system here:

The 5th Graders had a lot of fun participating in the Homecoming Spirit Days this week! 

The teachers had fun dressing up too! 

Students loved going to the "Starbooks" in the library for a "book tasting" on Friday! 

Students had fun playing a teamwork game during Morning Meeting. 

Students in Social Studies worked on "No Taxation Without Representation" Posters.