Extended Specials occurs every other Tuesday.
LAST 5th Grade Extended Specials Day: 5/7
Regular Specials Schedule for All Grades:
TCE Hosts Virtual District Budget Chat for Parents - May 7th 9:00 PM
We invite all Town Center Families to join us Tuesday, May 7th at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom to hear from our CISD Superintendent Dr. Hunt, Chief Financial Officer Diana Sircar, and Chief Communications Officer Angela Brown. They will share more about our district budget and answer any questions you may have. We'd love for you all to join us!
Zoom Link to Join the Meeting:
Meeting ID: 910 1905 6081
Passcode: 597204
Our graduation ceremony will take place on Thursday, May 25th at 1:00 PM. We ask that you arrive by 12:30 or earlier so that everyone can be seated and ready for our ceremony to begin.
Please RSVP to our 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony here! This will help speed up the check-in process once you arrive at school for the ceremony.
Students will be invited to dress up for the ceremony. We would suggest dress pants and a collared shirt and/or dresses or skirts with nicer shoes. If your fifth-grade boy is going to wear a tie, please pre-tie it before you send it to school. They can bring their nice clothes with them to school to change into after picnic lunch (which will be earlier than normal).
PARENTS & GROWN UPS: If you would like to volunteer to help with Graduation Set Up, please sign up at this link.

Wednesday-Friday, 5/8-5/10 Sky Ranch Field Trip
Friday, 5/17 House Spirit Day in 5th Grade
Monday, 5/20 Field Day
Tuesday, 5/21 Talent Show Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday, 5/22 Talent Show
Thursday, 5/23 5th Grade Graduation
Friday, 5/24 Last Day of School and 5th Grade Walk
In Reading and Language Arts, we continued our Fantasy unit and autobiography projects.
In Social Studies, we will begin our last and final unit: US Geography
In math, the students are getting to work through Everyone Can Create- Math activities. These are creative ways for the students to see math in the real world and to get them thinking about math in different ways.
In addition to going to camp, the kids will continue to finish up their Minecraft EDU biomes in Science and work on their camouflage butterfly activity once we return from camp.
We have noticed that more and more of our students have been wearing smart watches and bringing cell phones to school, so we want to take a minute to be clear about expectations for those devices.
Students are not permitted to communicate on their personal devices during the school day. (The same rule applies for their iPads.) This includes parents. Please help us in reinforcing this expectation. If you need to get in touch with your son/daughter during the day, please email your child's teacher or call the front office.
We have talked about these expectations with the students. We've let them know that if they are using their smart watch, cell phone, or other personal devices to communicate, they will receive one warning. After that one warning, we will ask for those devices to stay at home.