Friday, September 25, 2015

5th Grade News: September 28th-October 2nd

What's Happening Down C-Hall... 


  •  This week we participated in two mind missions which focused on American Indians' way of life. We also started a new Junior Great Book. Make sure to ask your learners about "Charles". 


  • This week we worked on our Decimal Must Do/May Do Board. The learners worked on decimal riddles and created some of their own. We also discussed the difference between expanded form and expanded notation. In science we continued talking about the properties of matter. We looked at displacement for finding the volume of irregular objects and began our study on density.


In 5th grade, your child will be exposed to more flipped homework. This means that we will send assignments home that will need to be completed that evening in order to be able to participate in the activity the following day. Some of these assignments will need access to technology. We understand that at times technology does not work properly. If this is happening to your child, will you please let us know in an email or a note for the next day, and we will accommodate accordingly. If you have any other questions or concerns about technology homework being completed at home, please do not hesitate to contact your child's homeroom teacher. 


In Other News... 

  • Please make sure you look at the Sky Ranch Information Letters. They are on a GREEN sheet of paper in your learner's folder. Please look over them and discuss this awesome opportunity with your learner. We will have a parent information meeting January 20th, 2016 at 5:30 in the TCE Cafeteria.  A $50 deposit to secure your learners' spot will be due by THIS FRIDAY, October 2nd, 2015.
  • In order to help keep our students hydrated during these warm temperatures, we encourage them to bring a water bottle to school.
  • Fall parent conferences will be Friday, October 9th. Please look for a e-mail from your child's homeroom teacher to sign up for your conference time.

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