Friday, February 15, 2019

Week of Feb. 19th-22nd

Hi everyone! 
Please see the Google calendar embedded above with important dates and reminders. 

What's Happening Around TCE? 

Check out Ms. Martin's Parent Newsletter here for information about the Looping Feedback survey, the learner's Heart Challenge, and a canned food drive. 

TCE Cultural Night 

We are excited to have our 2nd annual Culture Night at TCE.  Last year was such a great success with all the dishes you shared with our TCE community.  If you would like to share an appetizer, main dish or dessert on March 28th please sign up below. We will get back with you with more specific details as the event grows near. TCE will provide sample cups to share the dish you bring.  This event was successful because of all of our families' contributions. Thank you for making our school so great! SIGN UP BY CLICKING HERE Be on the lookout for more information about this event including performances and interactive stations!

Friendship Friday in Fifth Grade

As a reminder, we will be having "Friendship Friday" every other Friday during lunch. This Friday, February 22nd, will be a "Friendship Friday" for our 5th graders! 

Sky Ranch Updates

Sky Ranch Payments 

As a reminder, the third Sky Ranch payment of $50 was due Friday, February 1st. You may pay by check (payable to Town Center Elementary), cash, or credit card. Visit this link to pay by credit card. As of February 1st, your balance should be $150. If you have not yet made any payments, or your balance is less than $150, please contact your son/daughter's teacher to provide an update on your plan for payments.  The final payment of $50 is due March 1st. As always, if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. 

Important Sky Ranch Dates

All Sky Ranch Paperwork is due April 10th. 

Want to Know More About Sky Ranch? 

We thought it might help if you could look at some pictures as a family. Click here to see the pictures! 

5th grade Valentine's Day Party

Enjoying football at our Valentine's Day party.
Enjoying football at our Valentine's Day party.
Fun outdoor activities at the party!

Fun outdoor activities at the party!

A Peek into Our Classrooms

The wonderful author, Aisha Saeed, sharing about her book "Amal Unbound".
Planting radishes, spinach, and beets in our garden!
Science lessons taking place in our TCE garden to find examples of the water cycle.

Learners using their digital tools to help create their thought portraits in social studies.
Science lessons taking place in our TCE garden to find examples of the water cycle.

You can always follow the hashtag #tce5th on Twitter to see more pictures from our classrooms. 

Curriculum Updates: 


This week in math, we will continue to practice expressions and equations through the understanding of the order of operations (PEMDAS), as well as the use of a letter in place as an unknown number. Then, we will move on to our next unit, Coordinate Planes.
Math Homework: As a reminder, the homework will include a STAAR Prep section and a section to practice the concepts currently being taught in class. You can find the link to the homework here.  


This week in science, we will be continuing our unit over patterns in the natural world.  Due to changes in the weather, we were not able to study our shadows last week. We changed course and started our investigation of the water cycle! The learners will be finishing their investigation of the water cycle this week. They will also begin their investigation of the movement of the earth around the sun and their shadows. You can continue to follow along with our learning on Flipgrid! (Password: Patterns!)

Social Studies
This week in Social Studies, learners will will finish exploring their unit on Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny. They will spend the week reviewing what we covered, in the past month, during class. 

Reading & Language Arts 

This week in reading, we will continue our study of sound effects in poetry. We will also start to focus on comparing and contrasting poetry and other genres. 

In writing, our poets will continue writing poetry for their poetry books. We'll finalize our sound bits, made in Garage Band, to accompany our haikus. Then we'll use popular songs as inspiration for new poems. 

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