Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. We hope this communication will be helpful for you and your family.
Here are some photos from this week's learning:

Coppell ISD Second 9 Weeks Learning Mode Commitment Form
Families should have received an email from the district with information about filling out a digital commitment form choosing either virtual learning or in-person learning for the second 9-week grading period, which begins October 13 and goes through December 18. Remember, you only need to fill out a commitment form for the second grading period if you are CHANGING your commitment decision for the second grading period. The deadline for the commitment form is Wednesday, September 30th.
How to Receive Parent E-Mails with Missing Schoology Assignments
We know that many parents have reached out wanting to be in the know about missing assignments from learners. Schoology has a notification feature called "Parent Email Digest" where parents can sign up to receive either daily or weekly e-mails with a list of assignments that do not yet have a submission. You can click here to learn more about this feature, and to learn how to sign up for the e-mails.
CISD Free and Reduced Meals Application
Each year CISD offers free and reduced meals for eligible applicants. All applicants from the previous year will expire September 28th. If you would like to apply for this school year, please click here. If you would like a paper copy of the application, please call the front desk to arrange curbside pick-up.
Principal Blog
Our Principal, Ms. Martin, has a Principal blog. We recommend reading this blog each time it's emailed as it is full of important information. Please click below for the most recent blog entry:
Older posts:

Tuesday, September 29: PTO Meeting (via Zoom)
Monday, October 12: No School

Please click here to view the Curriculum Night presentation.
Please click here to watch the recording of our Curriculum Night Live Zoom.
Based off of questions that we received on Curriculum Night, we've created a "Curriculum Night Frequently Asked Questions" Google Doc. Please click here to view it. As always you may direct any other questions that were not answered there to your homeroom teacher!
Schoology Calendar & Zoom Links
All Zoom links and times will be stored in the calendar feature of Schoology.
(See image below).
Signing Into Zoom
Please see the following message from Coppell ISD:
Starting Monday, Aug. 31, CISD will be requiring all learners to sign into Zoom using their CISD email address. This change will allow for better classroom management and will limit disruptions in the event the meeting link is shared to people outside of the district.If your child is using a Zoom account not associated with their CISD email address, the next time they sign in, they will need to use their CISD login information — g.coppellisd.com or newtech.coppellisd.com — to join the meeting. We have created documentation for signing into Zoom with their CISD login information, which can be found here: https://coppellisdhelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053328653.If your learner is already using their CISD email address to sign into Zoom, they will need to consolidate their account to be managed by the district. We have created documentation for consolidating the Zoom account, which can be found here: https://coppellisdhelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052551674.
This week we have been having discussions about The Seven Habits of Happy Kids: Habit 3 "Put First Things First." Ask your learners about their "big rocks" and "little rocks" and how they can make space for both in their lives!
Class Creeds
Finally, we want you to know that each class worked together to write a class creed last week. We are so impressed with the amazing ideas the kids shared about their vision and hope for their class.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog!
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