Thank you for taking the time to read the fifth grade blog!
Here are a few highlights from the week.
Students sharing for Veteran's Day:
Socials Studies fun:
Principal Blog
Our Principal, Ms. Martin, has a Principal blog. We recommend reading this blog each time it's emailed as it is full of important information. Please click below for the most recent blog entry.

November 23-27th: Thanksgiving Break
***Please start saving different materials such as paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, cereal boxes, etc. Your child (virtual or in person) will need these for science after Thanksgiving break.
A Note From Our Kindergarten & First Grade Team:
Kindergarten and First Grade will be working with the Coppell Lions Club to coordinate a food and toy drive at Town Center. This will help to provide food and toys for more than 100 Coppell families during the holidays. We'd love for our learners in grades K-5 to bring canned food items and/or a new, unwrapped toy to donate starting December 1st through December 15th. If you are a face-to-face learner, you may drop your items by the TCE Giving Tree in the front of the school, and canned foods can be put in the boxes at the end of each hallway. Virtual learners may call the front office at 214-496-7800 to make arrangements to drop off your donation in the front loop during school hours. THANK YOU for your support!
As a reminder, you can find the Scope & Sequence documents in each of our Schoology courses. This will let you know what we are currently focusing on in each subject area.
Learners in 4th-12th grade have had their report card information available in the Home Access System (HAC) at since Friday, October 16th. To clarify, report cards were not sent home to students. Instead, you can access your son/daughter's report card online at the website above. Parents and guardians who need help with a HAC password should fill out a Help Desk ticket at

This week, our school counselor, Ms. Matlock met with the classes to speak about positive self talk vs. negative self talk. When a student experiences a challenge or makes a mistake, the way they talk to themselves makes a world of difference in their self esteem! Instead of saying things like, "I'll never be able to do this!" or "I am not smart enough to do this!" they should give themselves a little grace! Alternative phrases might sound like "I am just starting out... it's ok if I don't understand yet" or "I can't do this YET". Model positive self talk for you child and remind them to speak to themselves only in a way they might talk to their best friend.
Thanks for reading our blog!