Welcome to the TCE Fifth Grade Blog!
Here are some pictures from our week:

As a reminder, you can find the Scope & Sequence documents in each of our Schoology courses. This will let you know what we are currently focusing on in each subject area.
The last day of the first grading period was Friday, October 9th. Learners in 4th-12th grade have had their report card information available in the Home Access System (HAC) at https://hac.coppellisd.com since Friday, October 16th. To clarify, report cards were not sent home to students. Instead, you can access your son/daughter's report card online at the website above. Parents and guardians who need help with a HAC password should fill out a Help Desk ticket at www.coppellisd.com/helpdesk.
The seventh habit of The 7 Habits of Happy Kids is "Sharpening the Saw". This means finding a balance between work and play - taking care of business and also having fun! We want to encourage our students to take time to do something that brings them happiness each day in order to "recharge their batteries". This may be riding a bike, reading a book, or drawing! For our virtual learners, it may be helpful to pre-plan several short breaks throughout the day to prevent burn out.
Thanks for reading our blog!
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