Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday, September 10

 We had a fantastic week in fifth grade! The fifth grade teachers will continue to update our blog each week and send it out to families as part of our communication this year. Please take time to read through the blog each week, as we will include important updates, reminders, upcoming events, pictures, and more!

Parent Newsletter
Ms. Martin, our principal, sends out a weekly parent newsletter. Please make sure you read this every week. You can click the image above for easy access.  

Art Supply Needs
5th graders  are going to start making a sculpture made out of plastic grocery bags and newspaper in Art in the coming weeks. If you have any extras of either (or both), Mrs. Williams, our art teacher, would love to take them off your hands. Any kind of plastic bag is perfect and any kind of newspaper!

Grade Level T-Shirts
If you'd like to purchase a grade level t-shirt for your child, you can use this link to purchase one for $10. 

Curriculum Night
5th grade had Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 2nd at 5:00 PM on Zoom. You can access the recording of our Zoom here. You can access a copy of the presentation here

The following questions were shared in the chat during the Zoom:

Question: Spelling Bee- date, time, instructions, etc.
Answer: We have yet not received an update about this year's District Spelling Bee. Last year we used the Scripps Spelling Bee online platform, and in years past we had a traditional Spelling Bee in which students spelled orally. As soon as we have information about the District Spelling Bee, we will share an update here on the blog. We're excited that we have parents & families already thinking about the Bee! 

Question: Can we expect weekly updates to grades within each content in Schoology?
Answer: We do our best to give the students timely and specific feedback. You can expect to see periodic updates to grades within Schoology throughout the nine weeks. However, those updates likely will not be regularly scheduled or simultaneous among courses. As we get closer to progress reports, we will teach our students how to access their grades and comments in Schoology and in the Home Access Center. 

Question: What does homework look like this year in 5th?
Answer: At this time, we will not be assigning any homework. If you are looking for extra practice or resources, we would always encourage students to read at home! (Kids are more motivated to read when they are reading books they've chosen and find interesting.) In addition, students have access to online resources such as iStation, Raz Kids. For math, we would love for students to login to Dreambox at home and complete lessons. 

TCE 5th graders should come to school each day with their iPad and charger. Please ensure your child charges his/her iPad each evening. Your child should also check periodically to ensure his/her iPad's software is up to date (settings --> general --> software update). 

In addition to having a charged iPad every day, we also need the students to have their headphones for class every day. Our supply list included four pairs of headphones. Please help remind your son/daughter to keep their headphones in their pencil bags. 

We have a short snack time each day while we continue to work. 5th graders do not each lunch until 1:00 PM each day, so it's important that they have a healthy and nutritious snack each day to fuel their bodies. We also ask that the snack they bring is completely free of peanuts/tree nuts. This will help provide a safe environment for all learners. Thank you for your help!

Water Bottles
The water fountains at school are not currently open, so the students only have access to the bottle filling stations. As you know, it's very hot outside, so the kids are very thirsty when they come back from recess. Please help us by ensuring that you son/daughter brings a water bottle to school each day. 

Lots of our 5th Graders have been enjoying eating breakfast at school in the mornings. If your son/daughter wants to eat breakfast here at school, please help them get to school by 7:30 so they have enough time to eat before school starts. As a reminder, TCE doors open at 7:20, and students are expected in class by 7:40. 

Friday, September 17th marks the midpoint for the 1st nine weeks. On this day, progress reports will be sent home to any student with an average of 74 or lower in any course. 

Next week in our blog, we will include information about how to access grades both in Schoology & in Home Access Center. If your son/daughter has an average of 74 or lower, you'll receive a report. This report is meant to be helpful communication as it makes families aware of the student's progress with plenty of time left in the nine weeks to make improvements. 

September 17: Progress Reports sent home to students requiring a report. 

Students went on a magnetism hunt during Science this week! 

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