- Wear Red
- Parade Day - starts at 8 a.m.
- Jack-O'-Lantern Jog at regular specials times for all grade levels
- Dress up as a future job
Jack-O'-Lantern Jog
We are excited about our first upcoming run day! This is a day where each grade level has a themed run day out on the track during their specials time. We will have several throughout the year. Parents are welcome to attend during their child's designated specials class time on run days. Our regular front office check-in procedures apply to any parents wanting to attend.
Kinder: 1:20-2:10
1st: 12:30-1:20
2nd: 9:15-10:05
3rd: 10:10-11:00
4th: 11:35-12:25
**5th: 2:10-3:00 (this is a modified time from their usual specials time)
Fall Color Run
Thank you for participating in this year's Color Run!
Here are the final contributions for each class:
5A raised a total of $496.25!
5B raised a total of $950!
5C raised a total of $1,165!
5D raised a total of $775!
See below for a description of each incentive.
Free & Reduced Meals
For the last two years, free and reduced meals were provided for all Texas public school children. Beginning September 29th, families must complete an application to qualify for free or reduced priced meals. For more information, check out the Coppell ISD Child Nutrition website. Complete your School Meal Application here. Allow up to ten days to process your application.
TCE 5th graders should come to school each day with their iPad and charger. Please ensure your child charges his/her iPad each evening. Your child should also check periodically to ensure his/her iPad's software is up to date (settings --> general --> software update).
We will have a short snack time each day while we continue to work. 5th graders do not each lunch until 1:00 PM each day, so it's important that they have a healthy and nutritious snack each day to fuel their bodies. We also ask that the snack they bring is completely free of peanuts/tree nuts. This will help provide a safe environment for all learners. Thank you for your help!
Parent Newsletter
Ms. Martin, our principal, sends out a weekly parent newsletter. Please make sure you read this every week.
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