Gift of Words
Each class in 5th Grade is doing a gift of words. Please read the message below which gives instructions to complete this task. Please let your child's homeroom teacher know if he/she needs wrapping paper or access to a printer!

Holiday Food Baskets & Toys
Each year the Lions Club of Coppell provides holiday baskets and toys to families in the Coppell ISD attendance area. Last year Lion's Club provided a special Christmas for over 127 families and hundreds of children who might otherwise have gone without. The food baskets and toys are delivered by members of the Lions Club of Coppell, and the identity of the recipients is kept confidential. All Lion's Club needs to know is the address and the family demographics, sizes, and any special needs the family may have. If your family would like to apply for a holiday basket and toys, please email Town Center's counselor, Kelly Matlock, at kmatlock@coppellisd.com.
5th Grade Spelling Bee
We had our Class Bees on Friday, November 18th. The top students from each class have been invited to participate in the School Bee, which will be on Wednesday, December 7th. The study lists cannot be posted online, but it has been directly shared with students. If your son or daughter will be in the School Bee, please encourage him/her to spend time studying at home so he/she is set up for success. If you have any questions or would to learn more, please view the presentation below.
Free & Reduced Meals
For the last two years, free and reduced meals were provided for all Texas public school children. Beginning September 29th, families must complete an application to qualify for free or reduced priced meals. For more information, check out the Coppell ISD Child Nutrition website. Complete your School Meal Application here. Allow up to ten days to process your application. iPads
TCE 5th graders should come to school each day with their iPad and charger. Please ensure your child charges his/her iPad each evening. Your child should also check periodically to ensure his/her iPad's software is up to date (settings --> general --> software update).
We will have a short snack time each day while we continue to work. 5th graders do not each lunch until 1:00 PM each day, so it's important that they have a healthy and nutritious snack each day to fuel their bodies. We also ask that the snack they bring is completely free of peanuts/tree nuts. This will help provide a safe environment for all learners. Thank you for your help!
You can access the Sky Ranch payment letter here. This letter has information about our overnight field trip to Sky Ranch, the payment plan, and the link to pay.
Our 1st Sky Ranch Payment of $50 was due on Thursday, Oct. 6th. Our 2nd Sky Ranch Payment was due Friday, Nov. 4.
It's not too late to pay it if you haven't yet.
Parent Newsletter

Ms. Martin, our principal, sends out a weekly parent newsletter. Please make sure you read this every week.

Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, December 7th- TCE 5th Grade Spelling Bee
Friday, December 9th- Early Release @ 12:30
Thursday, December 15th- 5th Grade Winter Party @ 2:00 in the TCE Cafeteria
Friday, December 16th- Early Release @ 12:30
Learners designed shoes to have friction in Science!
Mrs. Hruby stopped by to read poems to each class!
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