Fall Conferences
On Friday, October 6th, we hosted in-person and Zoom conferences, if you were unable to schedule a conference please reach out to your child's teacher to schedule one in the upcoming weeks.
This upcoming week is the 2023 Red Ribbon Week Theme is "Be Kind to your Mind. Live Drug Free.™" This theme was submitted by Danielle Helm of Kentucky and is a reminder that everyday Americans across the country make significant daily contributions to their communities by being the best they can be because they live Drug-Free!
“I chose this theme because drugs alter our current brain development and hinders further growth. Drugs decrease levels of neurotransmitters in the reward system of our brain, such as Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins. This can block our brain from naturally experiencing happiness,” said Danielle. “Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free. ™” is about making positive choices to be happy and healthy-that is being kind to our mind.”
Healthy Choices Parade on Friday, October 27th at 8:00am- families are welcome to join and then stay for the Jack-O-Lantern Jog that follows during specials at 8:20am.
Your learner came home with a letter that explains Sky Ranch Payment for the year. You can view the letter here. Our Sky Ranch trip will be May 8th-10th. There will be a parent meeting on Thursday, January 18, 2023 at 5:30 PM for all camp information. If you would like to pay online, you may visit this link. Please contact your homeroom teacher or Mrs. Heingartner, the assistant principal, if you would like to discuss payment plans.
1st Payment ($50) - Friday, October 27, 2023 (next Friday)
2nd Payment ($50) - Friday, November 17, 2023
3rd Payment ($50) - Friday, February 23, 2024
4th Payment ($50) - Friday, March 29, 2024
Thanksgiving Basket Deliveries
St. Ann’s Catholic Parish is once again sponsoring Thanksgiving basket deliveries (or a pickup option at St Ann’s Church if you prefer). This program provides families in need with a complete Thanksgiving dinner for the entire family. The baskets will be delivered to your home the weekend before Thanksgiving, so it is important that an adult representing the family be at the home between the hours of Noon and 4PM on Sunday November 19th, 2023. The deadline to sign up for a basket is October 20th, 2023.
Please completely fill out the following form by clicking this link: 2023 St. Ann's Thanksgiving Baskets. You may contact Nurse Crenshaw with any questions at kcrenshaw@coppellisd.com or 214-496-7816.
This week in Reading we wrapped up our fiction unit. We'll be moving into our nonfiction unit this upcoming week. During that unit, we'll be reading a mentor text called When Lunch Fights Back. It is all about animal defenses! In the coming weeks, ask your 5th grader which animals have interested them the most.
In grammar this week we have focused on writing dialogue with the correct capitalization and punctuation. We'll continue to practice writing it correctly next week as well.
In Social Studies this week we learned about the Loyalists, Patriots, and Neutralists. Next week we will dive into the events in the American Revolution.
This week, we started a new routine of math stations. The kids rocked working through their two rotations per day, Monday-Thursday while I got to meet with every student within a small group twice a week. I was impressed with their independence and the way they adapted to something new as they worked on multiplying decimals. Next week, we will follow the same structure as we practice dividing decimals.
This week, we finished exploring sound energy and then tackled electrical energy through circuits. Students got the opportunity to build physical circuits as well as digital ones to test their knowledge of open vs. closed, series vs. parallel circuits.
Next week, we finish our energy portion of Unit 2 with light and thermal energy before the students get to show off their learning by creating an Energy Book in the Pages app.

Friday, October 27th at 8:00am- Healthy Choices Parade on families are welcome to join and then stay for the Jack-O-Lantern Jog that follows during specials at 8:20am.
December 5th - 5th Grade Music Program 6:00-6:30
TCE 5th graders should come to school each day with their iPad and charger. Please ensure your child charges his/her iPad each evening. Your child should also check periodically to ensure his/her iPad's software is up to date (settings --> general --> software update).
Water Bottles
Please help ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school each day. While learners are able to purchase a water bottle from the cafeteria, that is not an every day solution. We have multiple water bottle filling stations on campus, so learners can easily refill their bottles.
We will have a short snack time each day while we continue to work. 5th graders do not each lunch until 1:00 PM each day, so it's important that they have a healthy and nutritious snack each day to fuel their bodies. We also ask that the snack they bring is completely free of peanuts/tree nuts. This will help provide a safe environment for all learners. Thank you for your help!
Car Tags
Please do your best to keep your car tag visible when/if you come through the carline to pick up your 5th grader. It helps us get the learners into their cars quickly and efficiently. This is especially helpful when it's raining, extremely hot, or extremely cold.
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