Hello, TCE families. Thank you for taking the time to read our 5th grade blog!
What's Happening Around TCE?
PTO FREE Movie Night- Oct. 26th

A Peek Into Our Classrooms:
What's Happening Around TCE?
Picture Retakes on Tuesday, October 16th.
Report Cards will be coming home Friday 10/19.
If you would like to still sign up for a conference with your learner's homeroom teacher, the link to sign up has been sent out an email. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher.Popcorn During Texan Town:
The learners can order popcorn on Fridays during Texan Town for 50 cents. They also have the opportunity to pay $2.50 for a subscription, which will cover the cost of popcorn for the remaining 5 Texan Town sessions.
Metrocrest Food Drive:
TCE is partnering with Metrocrest Services to provide food donations for local families and senior citizens. The food drive will run October 9th-19th. We will have boxes at the end of each downstairs hallways that leaners can place their donations in.
PTO FREE Movie Night- Oct. 26th

A Peek Into Our Classrooms:
Enjoying their first spirit rally as fifth graders!
Fifth graders representing us well in Student Council. They led the spirit rally today!
Diving into those book club books!
You can always follow the hashtag #tce5th on Twitter to see more pictures from our classrooms.
Curriculum Updates:
Optional Homework Link-
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vlM9r29g_CmR3aKmSC0XhXlL8fjhX78y3szii7AB8rM/editThis week in math we will continue learning multiplying with decimals. The learners will be expected to represent multiplication of decimals with products to the hundredths using objects and pictorial models, including area models, and solve for products of decimals to the hundredths, including situations involving money, using strategies based on place-value understandings, properties of operations, and the relationship to the multiplication of whole numbers.
This week in science we will wrap up our investigation of different forms of energy. The learners will be building pendulums on Monday to investigate mechanical energy. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the learners will be investigating thermal energy. We will do an investigation to help the learners understand thermal conductors and insulators. Our last energy to investigate will be sound energy.Social Studies
Students will continue to understand the causes of the Revolution. Learners will explore the Declaration of Independence and the impact of Patriots, Loyalists, and Neutralist.Reading & Language Arts
In reading, the learners will continue to meet with their Book Clubs to discuss and share. In reading workshop, we will focus on analyzing character problems to identify the theme and interpreting ideas in fiction.
In spelling, we will be reviewing how to spell words with the ie pattern. Remind your son/daughter of the phrase: "I before E except after c."
In grammar, we will focus on subject & verb agreement.
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