Hello, TCE families. Thank you for taking the time to read our 5th grade blog!
What's Happening Around TCE?
Next week is Red Ribbon Week! See the image below for the theme of each dress up day!
PTO FREE Movie Night- Oct. 26th

The Town Center Elementary Library will host a Storybook Pumpkin Patch for any TCE students that would like to participate. At home, students and/or families can decorate a pumpkin to look like one of their favorite children's book characters. Students may bring their decorated pumpkin to the TCE Library 7:30-8:00am on Monday or Tuesday morning, October 29-30, 2018. The pumpkins will be on display for viewing Monday, October 29 - Thursday, November 1. Pumpkins must be removed from the library by 3pm on Friday, November 2. Visit this link for details and guidelines: https://tinyurl.com/TCEpumpkinpatch
A Peek Into Our Classrooms:
What's Happening Around TCE?
Next week is Red Ribbon Week! See the image below for the theme of each dress up day!
Report Cards came home on Friday 10/19. Please read, sign and return the report card back to your learner's homeroom teacher.
The Health Expo letter came home on Friday 10/19 with your learner about the upcoming Health Expo on Friday, November 2nd. Please read and reach out with any questions or concerns.
The Spelling Bee will take place in December, so your learners can begin to study words now. :) In the link below, there is a letter explaining the bee and its details.
If you would like to still sign up for a conference with your learner's homeroom teacher, the link to sign up has been sent out an email. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher.Popcorn During Texan Town:
The learners can order popcorn on Fridays during Texan Town for 50 cents. They also have the opportunity to pay $2.50 for a subscription, which will cover the cost of popcorn for the remaining 5 Texan Town sessions.
PTO FREE Movie Night- Oct. 26th

The Town Center Elementary Library will host a Storybook Pumpkin Patch for any TCE students that would like to participate. At home, students and/or families can decorate a pumpkin to look like one of their favorite children's book characters. Students may bring their decorated pumpkin to the TCE Library 7:30-8:00am on Monday or Tuesday morning, October 29-30, 2018. The pumpkins will be on display for viewing Monday, October 29 - Thursday, November 1. Pumpkins must be removed from the library by 3pm on Friday, November 2. Visit this link for details and guidelines: https://tinyurl.com/TCEpumpkinpatch
A Peek Into Our Classrooms:
Learners from 5C sharing some accomplishments.
5th grade learners working hard in music class!
You can always follow the hashtag #tce5th on Twitter to see more pictures from our classrooms.
Curriculum Updates:
Optional Homework Link-https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vJqvk0-06_GegxxTvzdekpbkz4zUKnUhQAXfjauQ5eU/edit
This week in math, we will continue our unit over decimal operations. Our lessons will focus on dividing with decimals. We will learn how to represent quotients of decimals to the hundredths by dividing up to four-digit dividends and two digit whole number divisors using objects and pictorial models, including area models, as well as divide using standard algorithm.
This week in science, we will be wrapping up our investigations on types of energy. The learners will be taking a quiz on types of energy on Monday. They are more than welcome to study the Quizlet over the weekend to prepare for the quiz. The learners will also be completing a project over changing forms of energy. The will be selecting a household item, drawing it, and labeling 5 types of energy and one force that the item uses.
Social Studies
This week in Social Studies, students will understand the perspectives of Loyalist, Patriots, and Neutralists. Students will also study important individuals such as Benjamin Franklin, Sam Adams, and Mercy Otis Warren. As a reminder, all students have access to a digital Social Studies textbook. The learners will use their computer username and password to login to the online textbook. See the link below. https://student.teachtci.com/student/sign_inReading & Language Arts
In reading, the learners will continue to meet with their Book Clubs to discuss and share. In reading workshop, we will focus on analyzing character problems to identify the theme and interpreting ideas in fiction. In spelling, we will be reviewing how to spell words ending in y when we add the suffix -ing. In grammar, we will focus on subject & verb agreement.
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