Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. We hope this communication will be helpful for you and your family.
Here are some photos from this week's learning:
Students in Mrs. Schaaf's Class celebrated the end of the Writing Unit by sharing their stories with a virtual background to match.
CISD Free and Reduced Meals Application
Each year CISD offers free and reduced meals for eligible applicants. All applicants from the previous year will expire September 28th. If you would like to apply for this school year, please
click here. If you would like a paper copy of the application, please call the front desk to arrange curbside pick-up.
St. Ann's Thanksgiving Baskets
Every year St. Ann Catholic Church in Coppell provides Thanksgiving baskets with supplies to cook a turkey dinner to those in need. If you could benefit from this assistance, please click on the link below and fill out the Google form as accurately as possible. By completing this form you understand this information will be shared with St. Ann’s Catholic Church for distribution of your basket. Please fill out this form no later than October 20th, 2020.
Principal Blog
Our Principal, Ms. Martin, has a Principal blog. We recommend reading this blog each time it's emailed as it is full of important information. Please click below for the most recent blog entry:
Older posts:
Friday, October 9: Last Day of the 1st Nine Weeks
Monday, October 12: No School
Tuesday, October 13: 2nd Nine Weeks Begins; Students who are returning to face to face for the 2nd Nine Weeks will start on campus
As a reminder, you can find the Scope & Sequence documents in each of our Schoology courses. This will let you know what we are currently focusing on in each subject area.
The last day of the first grading period is Friday, October 9th. Learners in 4th-12th grade will have their report card information available in the Home Access System (HAC) at
https://hac.coppellisd.com by the end of the day Friday, October 16th. Parents and guardians who need help with a HAC password should fill out a Help Desk ticket at
www.coppellisd.com/helpdesk. Report cards for Pre Kindergarten to 3rd-grade students will be e-mailed directly to parents and guardians on October 16th.
How to Receive Parent E-Mails with Missing Schoology Assignments
We know that many parents have reached out wanting to be in the know about missing assignments from learners. Schoology has a notification feature called "Parent Email Digest" where parents can sign up to receive either daily or weekly e-mails with a list of assignments that do not yet have a submission. You can
click here to learn more about this feature, and to learn how to sign up for the e-mails.
Signing Into Zoom
The district has let us know that all students will be required to be signed into Zoom with SSO. If your child is a virtual learner, please help us by having your child check to be sure he or she is signed in. If a student comes to a Zoom without being signed in, he/she will have to sign in before being let into the Zoom. If you're unsure how to sign in, you can use
this presentation to help you. You can also reach out to your teacher to ask for
We thought it would be fun to include some student shares about what they enjoyed from the past week.
"I like most of the lessons, but I liked the SS breakout on the Zoom and working together. And the math dividing decimals was fun!" -A Face to Face Student in 5C
"I liked the Social Studies because we really had to think about all the things we learned about to find the clues. On the decimals, I liked that I could learn something kind of challenging but fun, as well as dig farther into the unit. I got to understand more things." -A Virtual Student in 5C
Students in 5C read a story called,
I Am Enough. The kids then designed a page inspired by the book that expresses why they are here and why they are enough. You can see their designs here:
Seven Habits of Happy Kids
We have continued teaching our kids about the seven habits of happy kids. The fourth habit, Think Win-Win, has already led to some great discussions. As your son/daughter about what it means to Think Win-Win?
We have also been playing some games in our class meetings so that the kids have a chance to talk and have fun with each other. One of our most popular games so far has been Scattergories. The kids love it! It would make for a great family game, too.
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog!