Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. We hope this communication will be helpful for you and your family.
Here are some pictures from Red Ribbon Week this week:

Fall Pictures
Students will have individual fall pictures Thursday, November 5th. Face to Face students take their picture during the day. Virtual families should have already received an email from Laura Fairchild about signing up for a time to come to school for pictures.
CISD Free and Reduced Meals Application
Each year CISD offers free and reduced meals for eligible applicants. All applicants from the previous year will expire September 28th. If you would like to apply for this school year, please click here. If you would like a paper copy of the application, please call the front desk to arrange curbside pick-up.
Principal Blog
Our Principal, Ms. Martin, has a Principal blog. We recommend reading this blog each time it's emailed as it is full of important information. Please click below for the most recent blog entry:
Older posts:

November 5th: Fall Pictures
November 23-27th: Thanksgiving Break

As a reminder, you can find the Scope & Sequence documents in each of our Schoology courses. This will let you know what we are currently focusing on in each subject area.
Red Ribbon Week
This week during Red Ribbon Week, we focused on healthy choices in our class meetings. We talked about things like making healthy choices to keep our bodies strong as well as healthy choices in our friendships and relationships. We also talked about things such as peer pressure, staying drug free, and take care of ourselves.
On Friday, we had House Meetings, and we focused on Healthy Choices. We talked about different types of health: Mental Health, Dental Health, Physical Health & Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep Health, and Healthy Relationships. Each student set a goal to get even healthier in one of these areas.
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog!
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