Friday, August 23, 2019

Week of August 19th-23rd

We had another great week in 5th grade! Please read the important information below

August 26th: Safety Patrol form due 
August 29th: 3rd-5th Grade Curriculum Night 6:30-7:30
September 3rd: PTO Meeting @ 6:00 PM
September 5th: Picture Day

Safety Patrol: Our new PE teacher, Coach T, will be leading our 5th Grade Safety Patrol group this year! He is really excited to offer this leadership opportunity to our kids. 

Safety Patrol is a leadership opportunity for fifth graders. At morning and afternoon dismissal, Safety Patrol helps open car doors, greet students, and guide cars through the loop. Educators are always monitoring the students as they participate in Safety Patrol. Students will need to arrive at 7:20 each morning and stay until 3:15 each afternoon. In the past, learners have been assigned a weekly schedule; Students are only expected to attend on their assigned days. 

If your son or daughter is interested in applying for Safety Patrol, he/she should complete this online form. The online form is due Monday, August 26th at 8:00 am. If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach T at

Robotics: Ms. Rice came by today to talk to our fifth graders about applying for the First LEGO League Robotics club. This is an after school club where learners will participate with a team for different activities. If your learner said they were interested, they were given an application full of more information. The application will be due Monday, September 9th to Ms. Rice or Mrs. Burks. 
Ms. Rice's email:
Mrs. Burk's email:

In math, the learners will be reviewing multiplication strategies that they have learned. As we continue our Whole Number Operations Unit, they will be expected to multiply 3 digit by 2 digit numbers using the standard algorithm.

In reading, we will begin our unit over fictional stories. Learners will set reading goals and focus on writing about reading.

In writing, we will begin our unit over narratives. Learners will generate ideas for personal narratives.

In science, the learners will be testing different properties of matter such as density, conductivity, and solubility. The learners will also explore the different properties of solids, liquids, and gasses.

In social studies, we will be focusing on America's first settlements and why people chose to move to a new country. 

Your learner participated in a digital citizenship lesson where we discussed technology expectations for this year. They should have come home with a certificate signed by their homeroom teacher. We included a copy on the blog, so that parents, teachers, and students are all on the same page regarding digital citizenship. 

Digital Footprints with our Houses

Mind Mission Fun

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